Enjoying Better Technology

Enjoying Better Technology

Make Sure Your Indoor Shopping Complex Gives Customers The Ability To Get Help In An Emergency

Riley Garrett

Are you building an indoor mall or any other type of expansive indoor complex where members of the public will come to shop or be entertained? If so, you likely have a lot of work to do when it comes to setting up utilities like electricity and water, but there's another important element to keep in mind, and that's making sure your indoor structure has indoor pubic safety coverage. Here's why you'll want to reach out to a local technology firm about making sure customers and employees inside your large indoor structure can call for help if needed on their personal phones or other electronic devices.

Large Indoor Structures Can Be Hard for Cellular Networks and Other Wireless Tech to Penetrate

When you are inside of a large indoor structure like a shopping mall, there is concrete and steel on all sides of you. Modern cellular signals and other wireless technology can make it through a lot of stuff, but a thick concrete wall or another large obstruction will at least degrade the signal quality, if not cause the signal to drop completely. If you don't work with an expert in indoor public safety coverage, people inside your building might not be able to connect to their phones or other devices in the event of an emergency.

If an Incident Occurs Inside Your Building, Every Second Matters When Contacting First Responders

No business owner wants to see a terrible incident like a fire break out on their property. But whether it's a fire, multiple shoppers getting into an argument and starting a fistfight, or something else, you and your other employees should be able to contact the authorities for help the moment you realize something is wrong. If you have to run out of the building to get a good cell signal, those are precious seconds or minutes wasted, and sometimes just a mere second really can save someone's life or prevent serious injury.

Give People Peace of Mind Inside Your Building and Keep Yourself in Compliance With Regulations

By ensuring that all major cellular networks can penetrate your concrete and steel structure, you will give everyone peace of mind when they look at their phone and see an active signal. Beyond that, there might even be some local laws or regulations that require your business to ensure proper public safety coverage throughout your building. A local expert in wireless technology and public safety can take a look at your current setup and help you make adjustments or new installations designed to keep your building safe and on the right side of the law.

Foor more information about indoor public safety coverage, contact a local business, or visit a website like telnet-inc.com.


2024© Enjoying Better Technology
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Enjoying Better Technology

After struggling for years with my home upkeep, I decided to see if a little technology would help. I installed a home automation system, and the difference it made was absolutely astounding. Within a few short months, I was able to make sure my doors and windows were closed properly and that my home was staying the perfect temperature. This blog is all about enjoying better technology with the help of a professional who understands how to retrofit your home. Check out this blog for great information about all things technology and your home. You won't regret reading more about it!